Thursday, December 11, 2008

Health is Important

My roommate Amy felt uncomfortable. She had went to the emergency room for three times these days. I felt sorry that I can not do anything to help her feel better. Doctors diagnosed that her nerves had some problems.

We always ignore the importance of health unless we found problems. She told me that every time when the illness breaks out, her hope will lose a little. She found her ability to memorize decreased, she often held back her tears and try not to let people who love her worried. She would rather feel dizzy and hard to breathe when the illness breakout than forget all the happy memory little by little. I think she is a brave, considerate, and mature girl. Though this is not a fatal illness, but it is still a depressed strike to a eighteen-year-old girl.

I should help her find her smile back, instead of cried with her together today. As a friend and a of her, all I can do is support her when she faint physically and mentally.

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